ETP Systems

Advanced ETP Systems for Efficient Wastewater Treatment

BT Water Treatment
August 29, 2024

Our ETP systems are very compact and portable required very less foot-print to accommodate, energy efficient. Our ETP plants are designed to remove pollutants from wastewater, making it safe for disposal or reuse.

We’re the leading ETP Manufacturer in all industries, and we have a wide range of solutions to fit your needs.

ETP Systems

Characteristic of Wastewater in Effluent Treatment System

When designing an Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP), it’s essential to consider various characteristics of the wastewater to ensure effective treatment. Key physical attributes include color, odor, temperature, and turbidity, which can impact treatment efficiency. Chemically, parameters such as pH, Biochemical Oxygen Demand, Chemical Oxygen Demand, Total Dissolved Solids, and nutrient levels are important for assessing pollution levels and treatment needs. Biologically, understanding the microbial content and organic load helps in managing the treatment processes effectively. Additionally, the presence of heavy metals, toxic compounds, oil, and grease requires specific treatment approaches. Flow characteristics, including flow rate and Hydraulic Retention Time, also play a significant role in system design. Lastly, stick to regulatory standards ensures compliance and environmental protection.

We provide new installation of Specialize in ETP and ETP Maintenance. For more details of ETP Plants Service and Maintenance please Contact us: 9824018522 or email us at